Claire Chitty has over 25 years’ experience in Healing. Qualified in Metaphysical Kinesiology, Spiritual Healing, Relaxation Massage, and Health and Nutrition, Claire incorporates Multi-Dimensional Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique, Crystals, Aura Soma, Crystal Singing Bowls, Homeopathic vials and other modalities into her practice. Claire also uses Oracle Cards, Elemental Space Clearing and Clutter Clearing as part of her diverse business.
Claire connects with her Pleiadian guides, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Angels, and describes Multi-Dimensional Healing as ‘Reiki on steroids.’
To receive maximum benefit with incredibly powerful results, the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and dimensional aspects of oneself are activated, and rebalanced. Energetically and mentally, clients are empowered to release trauma, sabotage patterns and subconscious blocks from this life and past lives within a safe and non-invasive environment. Claire also removes lost souls / entities that are bound in the etheric and astral planes, reconnecting clients back to Source and pure Love. Claire has conducted workshops and healing meditation classes for children and adults to reactivate the body’s healing energy system on all levels of dis-ease.
If you are feeling fatigued, stressed or simply not yourself, make the commitment and invest in your Health and Healing.
Grow, Participate and Evolve.