Supercharge Your Healing Abilities

Awaken, Align, Activate

Do you feel called?

Become an Activator-Healer Coach

6-month, Live Online Course
*includes certification

Become certified as an Activator Healer-Coach to heal and empower
family, friends, existing and new clients.

Program starts 1 August 2024


The most profound healing system on the planet.

Using ancient healing techniques from Egypt combined with modern Quantum knowledge and understanding, your sessions will empower your clients to transform on many dimensions.

If you desire to get deeper more profound results. Attract a deeper level of clients. If you are called to work with the Quantum Field, the ancient esoteric wisdom from the Mystery Schools then this program is for you!


This is the Life Re-Cognition & Quantum Energy Matrix

Learn the power of the Egyptian Meridian system to transform childhood and past life attachments. Accessing the Quantum Energy Matrix to clear the way to realign to the true you.

Dimensional Anatomy & Aboukra Energetics

Learn about the Nano-Subtle Energetic Template of the body and how to access, asses and align frequencies using the Aboukra Energetic System.

Your Magic Activation

Learn how to connect with and channel through your unique healing magic. Receive the wisdom , knowledge and healing techniques specifically for you.

Free Energy Fields & Tags

Learn to work with energies outside of yourself and clear any interference with your mission. Here you will also learn how to remove tag's that shut clients down from expressing their fullness.

Sacred Geometry & Quantum Physics

Learn the ancient sacred geometry healing techniques to realign the body and energy system.

DNA Timeline Activation

Learn how to activate the DNA timeline to heal the past and activate an abundant future.

Chakra Matrix & Alignment

Learn to work with the 13 Egyptian Chakras to transform the dimensional octave of reality.



Free access to Double Your Clients online program, to empower you to embrace a new marketing that is in harmony with yourself. No more selling or pushing or trying to attract abundance.

Ever wondered about the core of our energetic system?
In this module you will learn about the resonance field, the deeper energetic human anatomy, and how the Egyptian Meridian system, the original meridian system, will help you to restabilize yourself for greater healing and harmony.

You will be able to understand and create a deeper effect and more positive outcome for yourself, your family, friends and clients. Learn how to use the original meridian systems given to the Egyptians to access profound healing.

What if you could access healing pathways that could clear past traumas and events without having to relive them? In this module, learn how the Egyptian Meridians can restabilize past events and heal past traumas and events so you can clear and heal your life.

You will be able to clear old patterns, beliefs and experiences so they no longer have an effect on your life, which frees you from old wounds.

Want to know what is really affecting your ability to step into your full potential? In this module, learn what was removed from your awareness that made it nearly impossible to be fully you. In this module, we learn to reactivate the full chakra system, the 13 Chakras and in turn activate the full octave of your potential to manifest the life of your dreams.

You will be able to activate the full octave of your potential and heal, stabilize and align your 13 chakras. This will allow you to receive more energy, greater stability and access powers you thought were impossible.

Have you ever noticed that you feel out of sorts, angry or frustrated for no apparent reason? Or why when you visit a particular place or meet certain people you just feel bad afterwards? In this module, you will learn how to identify and remove energies that are negatively affecting you.

You will be able to identify energies that are not from you, yet affect you, and how to powerfully remove these energies. You will also be able to do this for your loved ones and clients. You will learn how to keep yourself, your loved ones and your clients safe and protected via clearing energy systems.

What if you could learn how to reconnect, on a much deeper level, with yourself and others and in turn activate your deeper innate healing and manifestation abilities? What if you could reactivate dormant healing abilities and connection to deeper wisdom and awareness? In this module you will learn a process to connect deeply and access ancient wisdom and knowledge to empower yourself, your loved ones, and clients.

You will have access to deeper knowledge and wisdom and learn how to apply this wisdom to yourself and others. You will gain access to a Quantum level healing and manifestation abilities uniquely connected to you. Gain contour of your own evolution and manifested life.

Have you been fascinated by Sacred Geometry? Wondered what it has to do with life, living and healing? In this module you will learn about the power of Sacred geometry and how it is the fundamental building blocks of our world.

Learn how to activate your full potential, the full potential of your loved ones and your clients by working with the power of Sacred Geometry. Learn how to align with the natural state of the universe and your place in it.


Live 3.5 hour interactive learning modules and advanced training. Receive advanced training in the ancient deeper wisdom from Egypt blended with modern science including Quantum Physics. Receive full training manuals, protocol manuals and scan chart manuals. Reawaken and remember your truth and the reason you are here, so you can powerfully step into your full potential.

Ancient secrets revealed to awaken greater consciousness. Expand your consciousness with new understandings, realizations and rememberings of ancient wisdom. Participate in rituals and initiations that take your healing to a profound level.

Remembering your true purpose and mission on the planet. Journey through guided processes to connect to the deeper reason you are here. Awaken to a new more awakened and evolved level of consciousness and receive the gifts to enable a cosmic conscious state.

Access innate healing wisdom and abilities and be stabilized weekly. Gain weekly access to 90-minute practice sessions where all participants come together to gain clarity and practice the skills, so you not only feel proficient but gain unique confidence to create massive changes and shifts for you and your clients.

Access innate healing wisdom and abilities and be stabilized weekly. Gain weekly access to 90-minute practice sessions where all participants come together to gain clarity and practice the skills, so you not only feel proficient but gain unique confidence to create massive changes and shifts for you and your clients.


Specifically designed frequencies and meditation audio-scapes to help align you and your clients and restabilize yourself.

12 months of live weekly practice sessions with other members of the community where you can ask questions, get help, gain insights, heal yourself, and continue your learning.

Discount on products and future events.


Activator Healer-Coach is a process that empowers you to align with your true resonant field by removing resistance and interference patterns which destabilize and cause disharmony. Clients are then able to live more stable, harmonious lives in their true resonant frequency, a space in which anything is possible.



Marcus has been part of the wellness industry for over 25 years. After giving himself Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Marcus left the corporate world to follow a healing journey. This journey took Marcus into the deeper realms of what it means to be a dimensional human.

After the doctors gave up on Marcus, he began a journey to heal himself. This led to a deep connection to Source, and a channeling experience that would change his life forever.

Marcus then created a 3 year diploma course called Dimensional Therapy which has now evolved into what you see today, so that more people can more easily access these profound healing and transformation processes.

Marcus is a qualified Holistic Kinesiologist, Positive Counselor, Results Coach. Author of the 3 Minute Coach, Pivot. and navigating the Clickety Clack. Marcus helps clients to become stabilized, so they can profoundly heal and step into their full potential.

Marcus’ healing is profound and often creates spontaneous and miraculous healing.

He has spent the last 15 years supporting wellness professionals to activate their deeper healing skills and reawaken them to the possibility of infinite potential.

His magic revolves around his ability to connect deeply and rapdily, following the energy and trusting his gut. For him, stabilizing the self so that the self’s resonance – which is the key to mastering everything that does or doesn’t show up in my life – is tuned into the most aligned version of the self.

Find and connect with your deepest magic. The work that you are ultimately called to do. This is deeply dimensional work to help all heal and grow, profoundly.

Book in a call with the founder Marcus Bird and see what Activator Healer-Coach training can do for you and your practice.

Are You Ready to Accelerate
Your Healing Abilities?

Hurry, program starts 1 August 2024


Thank you!

How to access your pyramid meditations

Step 1

Check your inbox for your welcome email titled, ‘Welcome to the Centre for Quantum Healing‘.  This has your username and password for your Member Library.  Save it in a safe place.

Step 2

Click the link in the 2nd email titled, ‘Access your Pyramid Meditations‘ and log in with the username and password issued in your Welcome email.

Step 3

Select ‘Pyramid Meditation’ from the library and click the ‘Begin mediation‘ button to get started.  Enjoy!

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